Computing Autumn Term 2023


The children in Reception have been exploring the new technology in their classrooms and learning environments.

The have been learning how to use the computers, interactive screens, library book scanners, pretend phones, computer keyboards and cameras. 

Year 1

In the autumn term, year 1 have focused on the Information Technology strand of computing. In first half of the autumn term, the children focused on what technology is and how to use computer technology like using a mouse and a keyboard to write their name and to login.

In the second half of the term, the children learning about digital painting and being introduced to a variety of painting tools. This developed from them being able to use their mouse to control the tools to draw pictures of themselves to them being able to recreate art work like pointillism by Georges Seurat.

Year 2

In Computing this term the children have focused on two strands of Computing, Digital Literacy and Computer Science.

When focusing on Digital Literacy the children have collected data and sorted it into different formats. They have created pictograms and tally charts, surveying the class to collect their data. They have also presented this on 2Count on Purple Mash, creating their pictograms on a digital device. The children spoke about how this was an easier format to see the data and diminishes lots of errors. The children spoke about different ways to categorise including by attribute.

When focusing on Computer Science the children have been retrieving what they learnt in Year 1 about algorithms. They having been sharing ‘sweets’ and seeing how they can share equally into different sized groups – this has linked to their Maths learning on division in Autumn 2. The children had a go at ‘coding’ a robot with an algorithm for getting ready for home time. Except Rob the Robot (the teacher) needed quite a lot of debugging in the algorithm to perform the instruction correctly. The children then had a go at coding using 2Code on Purple Mash, the children have coded two different sequences; The Princess and the Frog, and The Magician, and a snail race!

The children have also been practising their typing this term. They have completed a typing game on Purple Mash called 2Type.

P:\Photos for Evidence\Computing\23-24\Year 2\Autumn 2\L1 sharing sweets\IMG_5076.JPG