School Improvement and Development

Our federation approach to continuous improvement is what shapes our School Development and Improvement Plan or SDIP each year.

Information for Parents and Carers

What is a School Development and Improvement Plan?

Every school has a development and improvement plan which focuses on the areas for improvement and development throughout the academic year. The plan is made up of targets, which help us maintain high standards and ensure we are constantly improving our teaching, learning, policies and procedures.

The targets on the plan are identified through a process of self evaluation by all those involved in the federation, and informed by priorities for development identified by Ofsted.  We also look at local and national initiatives, reports from subject leaders, results of our evaluation in school and developments in education to make sure our targets and planned tasks and actions are specific to the needs of our federation.

Once the targets have been agreed it is implemented and evaluated throughout the academic year to confirm progress and the impact of tasks and actions.

Everyone in the school works together and carries out tasks on the plan. By working together we can ensure continuous improvement and high standards for everyone in our school – children, parents, staff and governors.

If you would like to see a full copy of the plan, please call into one of the school offices.

The SDIP is just one of the ways we work to improve the quality of care and education we provide for the children in our federation.