

Staff Voice Autumn 2023

Here is what our Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Senior Leadership Team think about maths. Members of staff across the federation were asked to complete the sentence 'maths is...' and these are their responses.

In our Federation, we strive for our children to be fluent, articulate and resilient mathematicians.

To achieve this aim, we have introduced the ‘What Makes a Good Mathematician’ model from NRICH.  This is displayed in the classrooms and shared with the children. They also use this as a self-assessment tool throughout the year to evaluate themselves as a mathematician.


Across the federation, Mathematics lessons are taught daily in all classes.

In Reception, teaching and learning is planned using Development Matters and mathematical thinking is encouraged within continuous provision, both in the indoor and outdoor classrooms.

In Key Stage 1, teaching and learning is planned using the key performance indicators from the National Curriculum.

In Key Stage 2, teaching and learning is planned using White Rose Maths to compliment the National Curriculum Programme of Study.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, the DfE Ready to Progress criteria, NRICH resources and NCETM Mastery Materials are used alongside the curriculum to enhance planning, teaching and learning.

All children are taught in three mixed ability classes from Reception to Year 5, so lessons are planned within year groups to ensure a consistent coverage in all classrooms, with teaching and learning adapted to individual children’s needs. This is to enable quality first teaching to have the largest impact on all children’s progress and outcomes.

In preparation for the transition to high school, Year 6 children are streamed in line with their next steps and to enable them to access appropriate levels of challenge.

Lessons are carefully sequenced to ensure skills are reinforced, revisited and built upon in order to provide a firm foundation for subsequent learning. Additionally, to make mathematics purposeful and to ensure what the children learn ‘sticks’, we use retrieval practise to ensure children learn more and remember more over time.

Children have opportunities to explore mathematics through using a combination of concrete resources, pictorial representations and formal methods (abstract), to ensure children can master complex concepts.

Challenges are set for children to experience working at a greater depth by applying reasoning skills to a range of problems and making connections between areas of maths. This approach enables more confident mathematicians to be stretched and challenged, whilst others are given the opportunity to consolidate the skills they have been taught before they move on.

Mathematical vocabulary is shared and taught to children so they can use this in their own explanations, which supports their developing reasoning skills. Vocabulary is progressive across the federation but there are key words that are reinforced in all year groups to ensure they are embedded.

We use assessment grids in Key Stage 1 and 2 and Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage to track progress in Mathematics and every term teacher assessments are inputted into our tracking system, Pupil Asset. Through this we are able to see which children or groups of children are making good progress and which need additional support, enabling us to put in place effective interventions where necessary.

Lesson observations, book scrutinies, pupil voice and learning walks take place regularly to enable us to monitor consistency across the federation for all children. Feedback is given to each staff member after observations as well as being shared with the Mathematics Team. The next steps are followed up with further monitoring to ensure this has long term impact.

The federation has invested in Freckle, My Maths, TTRockstars, including Numbots and Purple Mash which are online mathematics sites for children to use at home and in school to connect and enhance their learning.

Across the federation we have promoted mathematics through additional enrichment, including STEM Days and Maths Week England. This enables the children to see the cross curricular links with Maths, the enjoyment that can be gained from working mathematically as well as how maths will support them in their future lives.


Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6