
At Toftwood Infant and Junior School Federation we value music as a subject and appreciate how much it adds to individual wellbeing and the sense of community and collaboration. We aim to develop children’s musical ability and their confidence to perform. Alongside this we aim to develop the children’s appreciation of different music, including music from different countries, cultures and periods of history and a cross curricular approach is taken. All year groups in KS1 and EYFS combine discrete music lessons with the use of music in other subject areas. Music is also used day to day when attending assemblies, tidying up and lunchtime clubs. In the EYFS, the children have access to high quality music provision both indoors and outside. There is a clear progression in skills from EYFS through KS2 with the use of the Charanga Musical Schools Programme and we are now introducing the scheme based on the new Model Music Curriculum. This is enriched with units of instrument teaching, such as ocarina in Year 2, ukulele in Year 3 and Samba in Year 6 and, new for 2024 ‘Junk Percussion and Bucket Drumming’. In addition, children can take part in lunchtime and afterschool clubs for ukulele, choir and ocarina.

We are also delighted to work closely with Norfolk Music Hub who provide live music visits and virtual events such as Panto and The Big Sing which all children participate in.

KS 2 Music Sping

Ukulele Club have continued to meet each week. It has been really lovely to have one of the children, Poppy, writing out the chords to a couple of songs and teaching these to the rest of the group including Mr Hardy!
Mr Oparaocha, who joined us as a Teaching Assistant in Year 5, is an extremely talented musician and has started Lower and Upper School choirs which are proving very popular with the children.

In Year 3 the children have begun to learn the ukulele, which they will continue with now until the end of the school year. They have learned to name the parts of the ukulele (It has a body, neck and head – but it’s got no arms and legs!), how to hold the instrument correctly, playing different rhythms by strumming and some quite tricky picking patterns. Finally, the children were introduced to their first chord (C major)! Everyone is giving it their best effort and as a year group they are making very quick progress.

The children in Year 4 have explored a number of songs from different genres including disco, folk and classical. They have sung together and also had their first taste of playing the recorder! Pupils have also composed their own pieces of music to fit a backing track using an app in charanga to drag and drop notes on to the stave – improving their recognition of traditional musical notation.

Year 5 in Spring 2 have been using the website ‘Charanga’ to create their own piece of Hip Hop music using ‘YuStudio’. The children have all really enjoyed creating their own pieces and listening to others. By following the videos children have added in a range of drum beats, bass and chords. Some children have included other musical instruments as well as adding in melody sections to their piece. Some have been continuing on at home using their log ins which has been great to see!

Year 6 have been focusing on the key question: ‘how does music teach us about our community?’ as a link to the social theme ‘music is a builder of community and guardian of cultural identity’. We have been listening and responding to a variety of songs such as ‘Let’s Rock’, ‘Simple Gifts’ and ‘Friendship Should Never End’. This has helped us to sing along by clapping and moving to the rhythms we have heard. We have developed our performance skills by working together in groups to perform parts of the song.

Music Autumn 2023

Music KS1

The children in Year 1 have been in full swing learning the two songs to perform at their Christmas concert. They have learnt the lyrics, rhythm and repetitive elements, such as the chorus to both songs. This will be the first time they will perform their songs to an audience so we have discussed the art of performance, projection of our beautiful singing voices and the importance for a big smile! We look forward to performing these songs at the end of half term! 

This term the children in Year 2 have been exploring simple patterns in music. They have listened and appraised different genres of music as well as learning about different musical styles. They have learnt different songs and performed these in class.

The children have also been focusing on dynamics and tempo. They have been thinking about the question, ‘How does music teach us about the past?’ whilst listening, singing, composing and performing. The children have learnt several different songs including, ‘Sparkle In The Sun’ and ‘The Orchestra Song’.

As part of our Christmas celebrations the children have learnt the songs ‘Sing Up It’s Christmas’ and ‘Must Be Santa’ to perform to their parents during our Christmas Activity Morning. All the children enj

Music KS2

In Year 3 Music this term, children have been continuing to learn tunes on the ocarina. They have learned the traditional carols Good King Wenceslas and We Three Kings. Children have been encouraged to look at the sheet music, comparing the two time signatures (Common Time and 3/4) and taking notice of the different note lengths of crotchets and minims and how that changes the rhythm. We are really impressed with their developing dexterity and musicality as they have got to grips with these songs! Children have also learned a number of Christmas songs which they will sing and sign to in their end of year Christmas performance

In Year 4 Music this term, children have been listening to, singing and accompanying a number of folk songs from different countries. They have learned how folk songs form part of a nations culture and carry stories from the past. Children are learning how to develop melody in their singing and becoming more accurate when playing parts on the glockenspiel. We have also been learning to sing (and sign in BSL) a number of Christmas songs to perform to parents at the end of term.

During Autumn term, Year 5 learnt how to play Jingle Bells on the recorder. They worked incredibly hard on learning the notes: E, G, C, D and F. We are very proud of all of the children, well done! For our Christmas performance, the children learnt the following songs: Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree, I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday and Sparkle and Shine. 

This term in Year 6 music, we have been learning three soul style songs and putting a musical accompaniment to them using glockenspiels. The children were able to perform their songs in class and discuss what they liked or disliked and how music brings people together. The songs were “Do what you want”, “It’s all about love” and “Sunshine on a rainy day”. We have spent most of autumn 2 learning our songs for our Christmas production, which is set in World War 2. They include some traditional carol such as Silent Night and some more amusing ones such as Run Rudolph Run, based on the popular war time song Run Rabbit Run.

Ukulele Club entertained in an assembly, playing Silent Night, Feliz Navidad and Rocking all over the World (which has become a bit of a signature tune  for the group).

Music Spring 2023

Spring Term has been fantastic for Music at Toftwood, with lots of opportunities to experience and participate in live music.

‘Rocksteady’ came in and got loud in the hall – showing the children the parts of a rock or pop group and getting the pupils involved forming their own band. Children now have the opportunity to take lessons in guitar, drums and vocals at school every week!

At the end of term, Norfolk Music Service members paid us a visit and taught us all about Jazz taking us all the way from Ragtime and Blues to some cool Funky vibes (nice).

Ukulele club is always great fun and, this term, we have been working on ‘Octopus’ Garden’ and ‘Stand by Me’. All of the members are becoming more proficient at changing chords, keeping time and playing together as a group.

Live Music Week 2021

Children across the federation were welcomed back to school with a concert performed by members of the Norfolk Music Service as part of ‘Live Music Week’. The four musicians, who had only rehearsed and performed together for four days, took the children on a whistle-stop tour of the history of western music through the last 1000 years, from Baroque to ABBA. Pupils were introduced to orchestral instruments, comparing size and pitch – and this was entertainingly demonstrated by one performer making an ‘oboe’ from drinking straws, the note getting higher and higher as a pupil snipped off sections as he played!

It was amazing to have visitors back in school playing in front of the whole of Year 3, with the rest of the school able to join via a live Teams video link, and we look forward to more throughout the year.

June 2018 – Music Hub Award Winner

Mr Hardy was nominated for the Norfolk Music Hub in their innovation award category, reflecting on his enthusiasm and approach to the teaching of high quality music.

Mr Hardy, the Junior School music lead has been working with Miss Coombes, the Infant School music lead and they have used Music to draw the two schools closer together. Our first training as a combined staff group was a singing workshop which was an incredible success and great way to break the ice when bringing two lots of staff together. They applied for and received the Hub’s bespoke project grant which we used to fund a series of steel pan workshops for Yr2 and Yr3 children to play alongside one another. Not only was this an amazing opportunity for some really top quality instrument tuition it helped with the younger children’s transition to KS2. (It also added some much needed focus on Music from around the world.) After attending a Singing Playgrounds workshop Mr Hardy formed a singing group of Key Stage 2 children who have learned some of the songs and have visited the Infant School playground at lunchtime to teach these to the younger children
In terms of innovation, Mr Hardy has introduced making music with technology to each of the Year Groups – Yr3 using the fantastic ‘Isle of Tune’ online program, Year 4 using MadPad, Year 5 Scratch and Year 6 Garage Band which led to a group of Yr6 students running a lunchtime Garage Band club.

The amazing loan of Samba instruments from the Hub has enabled Mr Hardy to start teaching Yr 6 a term of Brazilian percussion (with a great deal of help from John Owen from Neatherd High School and by joining Norwich Samba to give himself a crash course in an area of music he had had no previous experience of) again trying to give children a more global idea of Music.

Mr Hardy has been playing and teaching ukulele for 16 years and has a very dedicated Ukulele Club who have recently performed at a concert organised by BTEC Music students from Neatherd High School.

Mr Hardy has also ensured equality of access for all students, regardless of physical difficulties and carried out some research into open tunings and spending an afternoon with a child and her uke a uke blu-tacked to a table and various plectrums and sticks to use as slides they were jamming together playing ‘Three Little Birds’. She is now a stalwart member of Uke Club.

At the awards ceremony, Mr Hardy was one of 3 Norfolk Music-Coordinators shortlisted. In the speech, the judges recognised his engagement with the Music Hub over the last 2 Years, the work he has done with Miss Coombes to use music to bring the federation together, organising the steel pan workshops; the whole federation staff singing workshop; taking children from Juniors to do Playground Singing with the children at the Infants at lunchtime , the inclusion of music technology in each Year Group; the Yr6 Samba lessons; the ongoing Ukulele club and the efforts to be fully inclusive.

We are pleased to say Mr Hardy was chosen as the winner of the award for innovation in music co-ordinators 2018. Congratulations Mr Hardy!

  • Spring 1 Music 2024

    Music in Reception

    In maths, the children have been learning patterns, such as word patterns or making up their own body percussion patterns such as clap, stomp, clap stomp.

    During Receptions topic this term, ‘People who help us’ the children went on a bus trip so we taught them the song, “The Wheels on the Bus” and they had the opportunity to sing it on an actual bus and perform to the bus driver!

    Music in Year 1

    During this half term, year 1 have celebrated a wide range of musical styles. The children have listened, sung, composed and performed both familiar songs like the lullaby, Hush Little Baby and new songs like learning the Days of the Week. They have once again enjoyed playing the chime bars, as well as discovering high and low notes in some of the songs they have learnt the lyrics to and performed. 

    Music in Year 2

    This half term the children in Year 2 have been exploring many different music styles that link to community. They have listened and appraised different genres of music such as swing and classical. They have learnt different songs and performed these in class. One of their favourites was ‘The Music Man’. They have worked on listening and responding whilst learning these songs and performed these in groups. They also have been listening to music from the rainforest and drawing what we thought we could hear, the children used some of the instruments to imitate what they could hear.

  • Spring 1 Music 2024

    Music in Reception

    During this term, the children in Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year and enjoyed their online lesson from Miss Helens from Music and Movement. The children experienced dancing with ribbons, listening to instruments they like to use in China and pretending to feed a Chinese dragon wanting to eat cabbages! The children also watched Musical Storyland and learnt about the story of Chinese new Year. They also saw musicians playing several instruments, which included the traditional Chinese musical instrument the Guzheng.

    The children have also enjoyed our topic this half term called ‘Fantasy’, having the opportunity to listen and dance to sea shanties during Pirate week and ‘Heroes Unite’ during superhero week!

    Music in Year 1

    In Year 1 the children have enjoyed introducing Tempo and Dynamics into their lessons and celebrating a wide range of musical styles. They have enjoyed listening, singing, playing, composing and performing to a variety of music, which has included familiar songs like Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as well as new songs like Sparkle. The children loved performing music using the chime bars.

    Music in Year 2

    In Year 2 this half term the children have been focusing on the theme ‘How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?’ We learnt to sing and perform the songs ‘Rainbows’, ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’ and ‘All Around the World.’ The children also learnt how to play the notes for these songs on the chime bars, focusing on learning A minor. The children enjoyed finding out about a steady beat, and following rhythmic and melodic patterns. They enjoyed listening to a range of songs from different genres and we discussed our opinions about these songs.

  • Music Infants School Summer Term


    Reception children have been listening to sounds heard in a rainforest and guessing jungle animal sounds, as part of their topic in summer 2. They joined in with the song “Down in the jungle”. During independent learning time, some children also created their own musical instruments using props in the water tray.

    Year 1

    In music this half term, the children have continued to learn to find the beat and pulse. They have enjoyed moving their bodies to the music and have learned new songs. The children especially enjoyed singing along to ‘Alice the Camel’ and ‘Ten Green Bottles’. They were able to use percussion instruments to play along to the beat of the music.

    Year 2 Summer 1

    During Summer 1 each Year 2 class had the opportunity to learn how to play the ocarina. The children learnt how to hold the ocarina and how to blow into it correct so it doesn’t squeak! They also learnt the notes D, B and G. They have learnt how to play songs using these notes and performed them confidently. All the children really enjoyed learning to play this instrument and many commented it was their favourite part of their music learning this year!

  • Music EYFS KS1 Spring 2 2023

    Year 1

    In year 1  the children have explored wide range of musical styles and have had an introduction to learning about the beat of a song. They have experienced listening, singing, playing as well as performing their ability to find the beat. The children enjoyed learning the songs, ‘Hush Little Baby’ and ‘Upside Down’.

    The children also enjoyed a visit from ‘Rocksteady’ where the children got to experience live music and some even got the chance to play instruments like the drums, electic guitar and keyboard to make part of a band!

    Reception had lots of fun joining in with the drumming workshop.  The children enjoyed dancing to the music and Miss Gold showed us how to play the drums!

    Year 2 This half term the children in Year 2 have been exploring lots of different music styles that link to community. They have listened and appraised different genres of music such as swing and classical. They have learnt different songs and performed these in class. One of their favourites was ‘The Music Man’. They have worked on listening and responding whilst learning these songs and performed these in groups. 

  • Spring 1 Music 2022

    Music in Reception

    During this term, the children in Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year and enjoyed their online lesson from Miss Helens from Music and Movement. The children experienced dancing with ribbons, listening to instruments they like to use in China and pretending to feed a Chinese dragon wanting to eat cabbages! 


    The children have also enjoyed our topic this half term called ‘Fantasy’, having the opportunity to listen and dance to sea shanties during Pirate week and ‘Heroes Unite’ during superhero week!

    Music in Year 1

    In Year 1 the children have enjoyed introducing Tempo and Dynamics into their lessons and celebrating a wide range of musical styles. They have enjoyed listening, singing, playing, composing and performing to a variety of music, which has included familiar songs like Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as well as new songs like Sparkle. The children loved performing music using the chime bars. The children also enjoyed incorporating their English work into their music lessons by creating a ‘jingle’ for their own weather reports that they have been writing and performing. Please see the video below.

    Music in Year 2

    In Year 2 this half term the children have been focusing on the theme ‘How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?’ We learnt to sing and perform the songs ‘Rainbows’, ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’ and ‘All Around the World.’ The children also learnt how to play the notes for these songs on the chime bars, focusing on learning A minor. The children enjoyed finding out about a steady beat, and following rhythmic and melodic patterns. They enjoyed listening to a range of songs from different genres and we discussed our opinions about these songs.

  • Music – Autumn 2 2021

    Reception had a Bon fire night week and made their own firework music. The children learnt what it meant to be in an orchestra and have a go at lots of different percussion instruments. The children played along to Igor Stravinsky, The Firebird – Finale and watched their teachers closely, who were the composers to give them a sign to play loudly or quietly, exploring different pitches.

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2022-23\Reception\IMG_1615.jpg

    On the 14th November Reception, children enjoyed taking part in Nursery Week. Every day for a week everyone got to listen to, discuss and enjoy different nursery rhymes and well known songs such as, ‘Twinkle Twinkle little star’, ‘5 Little speckle frogs’ and ‘BINGO’.

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2022-23\IMG_1825.jpg

    For Christmas, the children practised singing and signing ‘Santa Shark’, ‘I’m a Little Snow Man’ and ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and developed their performance skills.

    In Music this half term the year 1  children focused on finding the beat in different types of music styles, whilst continuing to find the about pulse and rhythm in songs that they had learnt in Autumn 1. The children also concentrated on their listening and singing skills also performing such songs as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Daisy Bells and Dancing Dinosaurs. 

    Year 1 have also mastered the signs and lyrics to ‘Sing up it’s Christmas’, which they then performed during their activity morning to their grown-ups. 


    In Year 2, the children have been focusing on dynamics and tempo. They have been thinking about the question, ‘How does music teach us about the past?’ whilst listening, singing, composing and performing. The children have learnt several different songs including, ‘Sparkle In The Sun’ and ‘The Orchestra Song’.

    They have started to use the chime bars to play the notes in these songs too.

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2022-23\Year 2\Autumn 2\IMG_0569.JPG

    As part of our Christmas celebrations the children have learnt the songs ‘Sing Up It’s Christmas’ and ‘Must Be Santa’ to perform to their parents during our Christmas Activity Morning. All the children enjoyed learning these songs along with the actions for the different lines

    At the very end of term, the whole Federation was able to be part of the audience for a pantomime performed for us and other schools across Norfolk. This musical version of Peter Pan was thoroughly enjoyable and a wonderful way to end the term. Children from Reception right through to Year 6 enjoyed being part of this event and demonstrated their listening, singing and signing skills whilst enjoying the traditional and quite silly jokes!

    C:\Users\h.tataryn\Pictures\peter pam.jpg

    Here are some of the comments children made after seeing the panto!

    Aubree – “I like hook singing the Moana song!”

    Herbie –“I like the crocodile song. It was funny.”

    Arabella – “I like the sound of the crocodile.Tick tock, tick tock.”

    Chole – “I enjoyed when they sang the songs”

    Georgia – “I enjoyed when the crocodile kept coming”

    Archie – “I liked when they said “I think it’s an imposter”

    Lexi – “I enjoyed it when they were dancing”

  • Autumn 1 Music

    During the first half term back, the children in Years 1 and 2 have enjoyed our ‘Singing Assembies’.  The children have enjoyed singing to song such as ‘Big Blue Tractor’, and ‘Harvest Tango.’ They also have been enjoying listening to a different piece of music every week that can range from modern pop to classical, movie soundtracks and music from different parts of the world.  After listening to the music children spend ‘reflective time’ thinking about how the song made them feel.


    In Reception classes, the children have enjoyed listening to and singing along to many songs with their class peers.

    A variety of music has also been experienced in the classrooms, as well as created in the outdoor classroom. Children have been observed making music independently, singing and moving to the music experiences throughout this half term.


    We have also been learning about songs from Black history month, such as ‘3 little birds’ and ‘Dancing in the Street’, discussing what the children enjoyed about the music.

    If you wish to watch the other episodes, here is the link :-

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Black History Month 2022\Reception\IMG_1413.JPG

    Year 1

    In year 1  the children have explored wide range of musical styles and have had an introduction to learning about the beat of a song. They have experienced listening, singing, playing as well as performing their ability to find the beat. The children enjoyed learning the songs, ‘Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and ‘Shapes’. 

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2022-23\Year 1\IMG_2156.JPG

    Year 2

    This half term the children in Year 2 have been exploring simple patterns in music. They have listened and appraised different genres of music as well as learning about different musical styles. They have learnt different songs and performed these in class.
    At the end of the half term the children explored playing the chime bars alongside one of the songs they have learnt to sing ‘Music is in my Soul’. They learnt the notes C, D and E and performed these together as a group.

    H:\Year grp plans for HT\Year 2 - new\Year Two 2022-2023\Website\IMG_0568.JPG
  • Music Summer 2


    This term reception have been learning about different continents and during our learning of Africa, Reception got to listen to lots of African instruments and listen to how music in different area of Africa music changed. The children really enjoyed the South African music and used percussion instruments to play along to the beat. We also discussed what instruments we could hear and talked about pitch and tempo of the different music.

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2021-22\Reception\African music\IMG_0554.JPG
    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2021-22\Reception\African music\IMG_0559.JPG

    Year 1

    In music this half term, the children have continued to learn to find the beat and pulse. They have enjoyed moving their bodies to the music and have learned new songs. The children especially enjoyed singing along to ‘Alice the Camel’ and ‘Ten Green Bottles’. They were able to use percussion instruments to play along to the beat of the music.

    Year 2

    This half term in music, year 2 haven been learning about music that makes you dance and thinking about the question, ‘How does music make us happy?’ The children listened to a wide range of musical styles, including funk, hip-hop and calypso, which they listened and responded to, commenting on what they liked and what they didn’t like. The children also learnt the songs ‘I wanna play in a band’, ‘Music is all around’ and ‘Saying sorry’. 

    We all enjoyed the ‘Virtual Big Sing’ where children have been practising during assembles and in their classrooms songs from musicals, such as “The circle of life” from Lion King or “Into the Unknown” from Frozen 2. On 21st June, the children got to join in with singing with celebrities such as Claire Sweeny and Mark Feehily from Westlife! Year 2 really enjoyed taking part in the ‘Big Sing’. They sang along to all of the songs and particularly enjoyed singing ‘A million dreams’. In Year 1 the children also enjoyed watching and excited to hear the songs that were familiar to them.

    In Reception, the children all enjoyed it and here is a few things they said after the performances:-

    Mia – ‘I liked it when both ladies sang’

    Leo – ‘I liked the man; he did good actions for the elephant and giraffes.’

    Daisy – ‘When we sang let it go and into the unknown. ‘

    Clara – ‘I liked the Lion King. He was a good singer.’

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2021-22\Year 1\Summer 2\Big sing\big sing year 1.png
  • Music Summer 1


    This term the children have thoroughly enjoyed our topic Once Upon A Time. The children have been learning about traditional tales, such as Little Red Riding Hood, The 3 Billy Goats Gruff, The Ugly Duckling etc. The children particularly enjoyed The Gingerbread Man where the story was told alongside ‘Zorba the Greek’ music. As the tension in the story heightened, the tempo of the music quickened. This really helped add to the drama of the tale.


    The Children also enjoyed watching Miss Helen’s performance of The 3 Little Pigs. Everyone got to join in with building the houses and blowing them down in character as The Big Bad Wolf. The music used really supported the children as they them expressed themselves.


    Year 1

    The children this half term have loved continuing their learning in music focusing on finding the pulse and beat. The children have learnt and sung lots of new songs all focused around getting ready! They have loved singing songs, such as ‘Brush Our Teeth’ and ‘Dress Up’, and have liked moving their body to find the pulse. The children have even tried playing some percussion this term by playing some beaters. They focused really hard when listening for the steady beat and then practiced hitting the beaters in time with the pulse. They did really well with this!


    Also in singing assembly, the Year 1 children had been practising singing ‘God Save the Queen.” They did such a great job of it that they also performed to the whole school on the field when planting our jubilee tree!

    Watch the video below of the wonderful singing of our national anthem!

    Year 2

    As part of our Art ‘Around The World’ topic, all of the children in year 2 listened to sounds of the South American rainforest. They listened carefully and thought about which instruments they could use to recreate the same rainforest sounds in the classroom. The children were very focused and made excellent choices, transporting us all to the Amazon Rainforest.


    In music this half term, DC2 and ZK2 have been learning to play the ocarinas. The children learnt how to hold the ocarinas correctly and how to blow into them. They have thoroughly enjoyed it and have perfected notes D, B and G.

    PA2 have been learning about how music can teach us about our neighbourhoods and have enjoyed learning songs such as, ‘The music man’ and ‘Helping each other’.

  • Spring 2 – Music


    This term in Reception the children have been excited to play on the new drum kit in the outside area. They have been focusing on how to make loud and quiet sounds, keeping a rhythm and following a beat. They have also been making up own games, such as musical statues or pretending to be part of a band.


    Also in maths, the children have been learning patterns, and making up their own body percussion patterns such as clap, stomp, clap stomp. Please see the video of Mrs Goddard’s class making their own body percussion pattern.

    In the last week of term the children went on a bus trip so we taught them the song, “The Wheels on the Bus” and they had the opportunity to sing it on an actual bus! Watch see the video below of their performance.

    Year 1

    During this half term, year 1 have celebrated a wide range of musical styles. The children have listened, sung, composed and performed both familiar songs like the lullaby, Hush Little Baby and new songs like learning the Days of the Week. They have once again enjoyed playing the chime bars, as well as discovering high and low notes in some of the songs they have learnt the lyrics to and performed. 

    Year 2

    Over the next three half terms each Year 2 class will have the opportunity to learn how to play the ocarina. The first class started this half term and thoroughly enjoyed it! One child has even asked their parents if they can buy one so they practise at home! The children learnt how to hold the ocarina and how to blow into it correct so it doesn’t squeak! They also learnt the notes D, B and G. They have learnt how to play songs using these notes and performed them confidently. The other two classes are really looking forward to their turn over the coming weeks.

    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2021-22\Year 2\PA2 Ocarinas Spring 2\IMG_0020.JPG
    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2021-22\Year 2\PA2 Ocarinas Spring 2\IMG_0023.JPG
    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2021-22\Year 2\PA2 Ocarinas Spring 2\IMG_0025.JPG
    P:\Photos for Evidence\Music\2021-22\Year 2\PA2 Ocarinas Spring 2\IMG_0024.JPG
  • Spring 1 Music 2022

    During this term, the children in Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year and enjoyed their online lesson from Miss Helens in music and movement. The children experienced dancing with fans, listening to instruments they like to use in China and pretending to feed a Chinese dragon wanting to eat cabbages! 


    The children have also enjoyed listening and dancing to sea shanties during Pirate week and ‘Heroes Unite’ during superhero week!

    In Year 1 the children have enjoyed introducing Tempo and Dynamics into their lessons and celebrating a wide range of musical styles. They have enjoyed listening, singing, playing, composing and performing to a variety of music which has included Reggae and Funk. The children loved performing Funk music using the chime bars.


    In Year 2 this half term the children have been focusing on the theme ‘How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?’ We learnt to sing and perform the songs ‘Rainbows’, ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’ and ‘All Around the World.’ The children also learnt how to play the notes for these songs on the chime bars, focusing on learning A minor. The children enjoyed finding out about a steady beat, and following rhythmic and melodic patterns. They enjoyed listening to a range of songs from different genres and we discussed our opinions about these songs.

    At the end of Spring 1, the federation was involved with learning how to sing and perform (using British sign language BSL) “Reach for the stars” by S Club 7. The children took part to show awareness of sign language and how it is seen as a language in itself. They practised very hard for 3 weeks, please see the link below to watch their performance.

  • Music – Autumn 2 2021

    On the 15th November Reception children enjoyed taking part in Nursery Week. Every day for a week everyone got to listen to, discuss and enjoy different nursery rhymes and well known songs such as, ‘The Wheels On The Bus’, ‘Down In The Jungle’ and ‘5 Little Ducks’.

    C:\Users\h.tataryn\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_7316.JPG For Christmas, the children practised singing and signing ‘Santa Shark’, ‘I’m a Little Snow Man’ and ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and developed their performance skills.

    In Year 1 the children focused on finding the beat in different types of music styles, whilst continuing to find the about pulse and rhythm in songs that they had learnt in Autumn 1. The children also concentrated on their listening and singing skills also performing such songs as ‘1-2-3-4-5’, ‘head shoulder knees and toes’ and ‘Shapes’. Before Christmas, the children enjoyed learning and listening to songs from pantomime, especially ‘Mr Blue-sky!’

    Year 1 have also mastered the signs and lyrics to ‘Jingle Bells’, which they then performed in a video that was shared with their grown ups along with photos of clay snowmen the children had made.

    In Year 2, the children have been focusing on dynamics and tempo. They have been thinking about the question, ‘How does music teach us about the past?’ whilst listening, singing, composing and performing. The children have learnt several different songs including, ‘Sparkle In The Sun’ and ‘The Orchestra Song’.

    The children enjoyed learning how to perform ‘The Orchestra Song’ using the notes C, G and B♭ on their glockenspiels; building on notes C, D and E that they learnt when performing the song ‘Music in my Soul’ in Autumn 1.

    At the very end of term, the whole Federation was able to be part of the audience for a pantomime performed for us and other schools across Norfolk. This musical version of Jack and the Beanstalk was thoroughly enjoyable and a wonderful way to end the term. Children from Reception right through to Year 6 enjoyed being part of this event and demonstrated their listening, singing and signing skills whilst enjoying the traditional and quite silly jokes!

    We’re aware that at the moment not all families are able to experience a live pantomime for many reasons so it was lovely to be able to share this experience with children across the Federation.

    C:\Users\h.tataryn\Pictures\year 2.jpg

    Here are some of the comments children made after seeing the panto!


    “I liked it when the lady did a whizz pop!”

    “I liked it when Mary and the cow got trapped in the giant’s castle.”

    Year 1:

    “I liked the singing”

    “I liked when they sang Mamma Mia because we learned it before.”

    “I liked when Jack climbed the beanstalk.”

    Year 2:

    “I like it when they were running from the giant.”

    “I liked it when they chopped down the beanstalk so the giant couldn’t get them.”

    “I thought it was funny when they kept turning around and the giant wasn’t there.”

    “I really liked the songs” 

  • Music Autumn 1 2021

    During the first half term the children in Years 1 and 2 have enjoyed returning to our regular ‘Singing Assembly’ times.  The children have enjoyed singing songs such as ‘Big Red Combine harvester’, and ‘Consider Yourself.’ They also have been enjoying listening to a different piece of music every week that can range from modern pop to classical and other music such as movie soundtracks or music from different parts of the world. 

    After listening to music, all children spend some ‘reflective time’ thinking about how listening has made them feel.


    In Reception classes, the children have enjoyed listening to and singing along to many songs with their class peers.

    A variety of music has also been experienced in the classrooms, as well as created in the outdoor classroom. Children have been observed making music independently, singing and moving to the music experiences throughout this half term.

    C:\Users\h.tataryn\Pictures\music in reception.jpg C:\Users\h.tataryn\Pictures\music in reception01.jpg C:\Users\h.tataryn\Pictures\music in reception 02.jpg

    In Year 1, the children have been listening to and learning about the well-known song ‘Hey You!’ They have been learning about pulse and rhythm as well as having a go at learning the lyrics and playing instruments, such as glockenspiels. When doing this the children used the C note to play alongside the music. 



    In Year 2, the children have been learning about feeling the pulse and clapping along to a beat. They have also been using Charanga to learn some new songs like ‘Music Is In My Soul’.

  • Music Junior School Summer Term

    A great term of Music at the Junior School including;

    Ukulele Club continuing with their weekly meetings – now some very proficient musicians and really enjoying playing, ‘Rocking All Over the World’, ‘Octopuses Garden’ and ‘I’m Yours’ among others and very keen to start performing to an audience.

    Toft-o-Vision song contest – our annual interclass singing competition. It’s really interesting to see how each class’s character comes out in their performance. A very close run competition this year, a big thank you to all the teachers for putting their hearts and souls into this!

    Rock Steady lessons gaining momentum and culminating in a performance for the school!

    Year 6 performances – A fabulous musical set around evacuees foiling a Nazi agent’s plot. Very impressive singing and acting from our oldest pupils.

    Year 3

    Children are now getting really confident with their ukuleles with many able to change fluidly between 2 and even 3 chords in the songs we’ve been playing. It’s lovely when you see that moment when children realise they are able to make music and really are musicians

    Year 4

    During this term, Year 4 have had a special visitor taking their Music lessons. Mr Draycott has been teaching us the djembe drums. We have learned how to strike the drums properly, using the whole palm for a bass sound and our fingers on the edge of the drum, for a tone sound. We have learnt different rhythms and have practised playing them singularly and at the same time. Layering the rhythms has been particularly tricky but great fun. We have also enjoyed Mr Draycott’s warm ups, the rhyme and the actions have us contorted! We will be continuing with this throughout the next half term too.

    Year 5

    In this term’s unit, we asked ‘How Does Music Connect Us with the Environment?’ as an entry point for the broad Social Theme of ‘Music Is a Nature Lover and Guardian of the Earth’. This is relevant to learning topics such as nature, environment, animals, geography, biology, art,

    outdoor education. Children learned a number of songs and accompanied with glockenspiels with a particular focus on musical elements.

    Year 6

    Pupils really enjoyed working on their first YuStudio project ‘Spooky Stories’. This is a new feature within Charanga, giving children a chance to compose and arrange using computer sequencing software in very much the way professional producers do.

    The children then had an introduction to Samba percussion. This really tests skills of listening and attention as the whole class need to react both to the ‘director’ and the other sections of the ‘bateria’, to stay in time. Especially when the different instruments are playing different rhythms! Very well done Year 6!

  • Rockin’ Ukes

    The Toftwood School Ukulele  Group were so excited that, when Jeff Rich from Status Quo came to give some drumming workshops, he signed some ukulele music for us so they made a little video for him!

  • Music KS2 Spring 2 2023

    Children in Year 3 have continued to gain more ukulele skills and are now playing the chords of Am, F and C and moving between these chords to accompany songs. They can strum and pick different rhythms. Baboushka (not the Kate Bush song, unfortunately) and Tab Tango really put their abilities to the test!

    In Year 4 this half term, we have been following the Charanga English Model Music Scheme and looking at the unit “Creating Simple Melodies Together”. The children have used recorders and glockenspiels to play songs such as Let Your Spirit Fly and Frère Jacques. They have been working hard on their recorder technique, in particular focusing on how to hold the recorders in the correct position when playing.  

    Year 5 Have been the first to try a new feature on Charanga – Yu Studio. This online sequencer allows the children to build electronic beats, basslines and melodies in much the same way as most professional producers do. They have been guided through this process and have made their own Hip Hop tracks!

    Year 6 have been focusing on the key question: ‘how does music teach us about our community?’ as a link to the social theme ‘music is a builder of community and guardian of cultural identity’. We have been listening and responding to a variety of songs such as ‘Let’s Rock’, ‘Simple Gifts’ and ‘Friendship Should Never End’. This has helped us to sing along by clapping and moving to the rhythms we have heard. We have developed our performance skills by working together in groups to perform parts of the song. 

  • Music Key Stage 2 Spring 1 2023

    The term got off to a great start with an interactive online performance from the highly entertaining Tim Brain, introducing children to instruments from around the world! Some Year 3 children said:

    Scarlett – I loved hearing Tim play the ukulele, he was really funny!

    Jessica – I liked it when we flew to Japan to play the drums.

    Immy – I liked him playing the samba whistle, it was amazing!!

    Children in Year 3 have been very excited to start learning to play ukulele as a whole class ensemble, building up from the basics of learning to name the parts of the ukulele and how to hold it correctly, to beginning to pick and strum the open strings. We particularly enjoy, ‘That thumb brush strum’ and a great version of ‘It’s raining, it’s pouring’ which includes a rap and dance breakdown in the middle!

    In Year 4 we have been learning to play the Glockenspiels. The children learnt a new song and how to keep in time with the rhythm of the music. 

    Once they were confident they used these skills to learn how to play the song on the glockenspiels. The children loved learning about tempo and particularly loved challenging themselves with increasing the tempo of the song from 50% to 100%.   

    At the end of the module, the children rehearsed their song and performed it to the class. 

    In our music lessons, Year 5 have been answering the question – How does music improve our world?

    We have listened to and considered three songs during the topic; Freedom, All Over Again, Do you ever wonder?

    The children enjoyed learning and performing the songs as well as developing their ability to improvise and play along to the songs.

    Year 6 have been focusing on the key question: ‘how does music improve our world?’ as a link to the social theme ‘music is a changemaker’. We have been listening and responding to a variety of songs such as ‘Disco Fever’, ‘La Bamba’ and ‘Change’. This has helped us to sing along by clapping and moving to the rhythms we have heard. We have used the glockenspiels to play along with the music which was a challenge at certain points! We have developed our performance skills by working together in groups to perform parts of the song. 

  • Music Key Stage 2 Autumn 2 2022

    The term running up to Christmas is always a great time for Music in school and this year has been no different.

    Parents of each Year group were treated to performances of Christmas Songs and poems with all children participating. In Year 3 a group who had been practising at lunchtimes also performed ‘O come all ye faithful’ and ‘Jingle Bells’ on ocarinas!

    Children joined the online pantomime provided by the Norfolk Music Hub – This year it was ‘Peter Pan’ and children had spent some time learning the songs so they could sing along!

    “I loved the booing and the singing.” Olivia

    “I liked that I had learned some of the songs.” Daniella

    “I liked doing all the actions.” Lexi

    “I liked the singing.” Amy

    Year 3 have been using there ocarina skills to learn some Christmas songs and Carols in their Music lessons and all made fabulous progress reading notes from music and becoming more proficient players.

    Year 4 have been looking at how Music acts a storyteller from the past connecting us with history through songs such as ‘Perdido’ and ‘Scarborough Fair’, and how use of dynamics and change of tempo can affect that story.

    Children in Year 5 have had a concentrated unit on recorder instrumental skills. Using traditional Christmas carols, they have increased their knowledge of musical notation and focussed on the musicianship needed to play in an ensemble.

    Year 6 pupils have used recorders and glockenspiels to play ‘Singing Swinging Star’ and ‘My Best Friend’ and have responded to these with their own improvisations and compositions.

  • Music KS2 2022 Autumn 1

    Ukulele Club is back on, after school each Thursday. It’s great to see so many children from across Key Stage 2 excited about making music and already getting the hang of Three Little Birds and Hound Dog.

    The children in Year 3 have been having whole class ocarina lessons with Mr Hardy building on skills learned in Year 2. They have started to recognise the names of the notes on the treble clef stave and relate this to what they are playing. The music the children have been playing has been a delight to hear across the classrooms! We have also been able to have Yr3 and Yr4 group singing again in assembly time and the children learnt two African songs, one from Ghana and the other South African – ‘Tue Tue’ and ‘Siyahamba’- celebrating Black History Month.

    Year 4 have enjoyed learning the song Hoedown this half term. We first learnt to sing it so that we were familiar with the melody and then we began to play it on the glockenspiels. The children have loved exploring how to get the best noise out of their glockenspiels e.g. by holding the stick loosely in one hand and not hitting the keys too hard or too softly! The children were also fascinated to learn that they could play an A# instead of a B♭!

    During autumn 1, Year 5 looked at three songs: Ghost Parade, Words Can Hurt and Joyful, Joyful. The children have played the Glockenspiels, as well as working hard on performing as a class. In particular, Year 5 enjoyed Ghost Parade.  

    Year 6 have enjoyed investigating how music brings people together throughout this half term. They have played the recorder and glockenspiel to a range of songs. They have played up to 5 notes and also challenged themselves to read music. Their favourite song to sing and play this half term has been ‘It’s all about love.’

    Children at the Junior School joined classes from all over Norfolk for a special online music assembly to celebrate Black History Month. Lead by the amazing Anna Mudeka, pupils were introduced to the culture and customs of Zimbabwe, through music, stories and song. Children learned about Anna’s childhood and joined in call and response singing. The sound of the Mbira (thumb piano) was mesmerising and Anna’s stories transported us to village life in Africa.

  • KS 2 Summer 2022 Music

    A very busy time for Music!

    Summer saw the start of the Year 3 lunchtime ocarina club which gave some children a chance to experience these lovely little instruments which they had been unable to play at the in Year 2 due to Covid restrictions. Happily, ocarinas are back in use now in Year 2 and next year the children will build on their learning with a term of ocarina playing at the start of Year 3!

    Children have continued to learn from the New English Model Curriculum, across the year groups using our online resource ‘Charanga’ as well as whole class instrument learning. The Year 3s are becoming more and more proficient ukulele players and playing a range of 3 chord songs. Year 6 students were able to try their hand at Samba drumming using a range of traditional percussion instruments to explore the rhythms of Brazil – Bateria Vai!

    Summer also sees our Toft-o-vision Song Contest with each class vying to give us the best vocal and visual performance.

    All classes were able to join in with this year’s Virtual Big Sing coming together with other schools across the county to join in singing some much loved Musical hits!

  • Music KS 2 Spring 1 and Spring 2

    Key Stage 2  Music Spring 1

    Once again Toftwood enjoyed a fabulous ‘Sign to Sing’ day learning how to sing and perform (using British sign language BSL) “Reach for the stars” by S Club 7. The children took part to show awareness of sign language and how it is seen as a language in itself. They practised very hard for 3 weeks, please see the link below to watch their performance.

    In Year 3 we have continued to develop our ukulele playing skills, experimenting with different strumming patterns and beginning to change between chords. The children now find the first few songs we learned easy and fun to play and perform them with great enthusiasm!

    The children in Year 4 have begun using the New Model Curriculum supported by the charanga. We have explored songs including ‘Hoedown’ and ‘I’m always there’. While learning to sing the songs and accompany them on recorder and glockenspiel, we have looked at how the notes can be written using standard notation. We have used some of the notes from the pieces to perform our own improvised melodies.

    Year 5. We have been looking at Jazz and the concept of improvising around a melody. Children have concentrated on two pieces which exemplify how simple sequences of notes can form the basis of improvisation and getting the hang of the difference between ‘playing straight’ and ‘swing’.

    Key Stage 2 Music Spring 2

    Mr Hardy was like a kid on Christmas morning as he took delivery of 25 brand new, soprano glockenspiels to replace and add to our existing instruments. It is so great for every child to be able to use an instrument throughout the lesson.

    In Year 3 the ukulele skills are growing all the time. Children loved playing the song ‘Dr Knickerbocker’ and were having so much fun that they didn’t notice that they had learned to play while standing (and moving), keep a rhythm and change between chords while singing!! We increased our repertoire of chords adding G7 (tricky as it uses 3 fingers on the fretboard). This is a bit of an ‘open sesame’ moment as with C, F and G7 hundreds of songs are possible and children ended the term using them to learn to play ‘3 Little Birds’.

    We have been using the website Charanga to learn to sing new songs, including ‘Looking in the Mirror’ and ‘Take Time in Life’. When reading the sheet music to the songs, we have noticed the note lengths for a minim, crotchet and quaver and we have also noticed the symbols for some of the rests (a pause in the music). We have learned to play the instrumental sections by playing the metal glockenspiel. We have also learned how to compose our own sections of music, by using the same notes from the original score but in our own unique order.

    This half-term, Year 5 have listened and responded to a variety of old school hip-hop songs. For each song, we tried to recognise the instruments and voices that we heard. We also tried to recognise the tempo, dynamics and whether the song had a hook. The children enjoyed performing the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and accompanied this rap by playing recorders and glockenspiels. 

    In Year 6 we learned the song ‘You’ve Got A Friend’ by Carole King from the album, ‘Tapestry’ for which she won four Grammy Awards, one of the most successful albums by a female artist. Hopefully an inspiration for any of our budding young songwriters. In addition to all the musical learning involved in learning to sing and accompany quite a challenging song, this very emotional piece gave us a chance to think about what friendship meant to us and see how we could bring those feelings to our performance.

    Finally, fancy a little Easter Puzzle?

    Mr Hardy has composed this tune (you’ll notice it’s a waltz in 3/4 time) however it contains a secret message can you ‘crack’ it?

  • Music Key Stage 2 Autumn 2 2021

    What a wonderful term of Music! Year 3 have continued to enjoy learning to play the ukulele, progressing to changing between chords, strumming in different rhythms and exploring different picking patterns. Children have used different ways to read music such as staff notation and fret maps and are becoming very skilled at noticing difference in pitch (sharp or flat) when tuning up.

    In Year 4, Ian Draycott from Norfolk Music Service has finished his time teaching the children to play the steel pans. This is a deceptively challenging instrument and all pupils have done incredibly well, not only at handling the beaters and playing the notes but also learning to perform with others as part of an ensemble. We are very grateful to Norfolk Music Hub for giving our children this opportunity.

    The children in Year 5 have spent the term leading up to Christmas learning to play carols on the recorder. If you played recorder at school you will be well aware how easy it is to play recorder badly! Children have had to develop sensitivity of breath to avoid those shrill squeaks and a lot of dexterity to achieve the quick fingering needed to play the pieces. (Due to COVID pupils did not have the opportunity to play recorders last year so we have given them a real challenge.) This unit has also given pupils a chance to put their learning of standard notation into context.

    Year 6 pupils have been investigating Jazz and Blues. Listening to both classic Music from the 20’s and contemporary pieces and gaining an understanding of the structure and conventions of these genres. This unit gives children an opportunity to further develop their improvisation on the glockenspiels, responding and replying to a theme in the moment.

    On the final day of term, the whole federation came together to enjoy a streamed ‘virtual’ pantomime – ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. In addition to usual Music lessons, children had spent time learning the songs used in the performance so that we could all sing along. They also learnt about the conventions, characters and customs of pantomime so that it could be a fully interactive experience with ‘Booo’s, ‘Hooray’s and shouts of ‘It’s behind you!’. Did we enjoy it?

    “OH YES WE DID!”

  • Music Key Stage 2 Autumn 1 2021

    A wonderful start to a new school year! Musicians from Norfolk Music Service came and performed a concert for us, taking us through a flying tour of orchestral music from the last thousand years. Allowing children to see and hear instruments being played and gaining an understanding of how they work. Year 3 children watched in the hall while the rest of the federation joined remotely, through the wonders of video calling.

    Year 3 pupils have been very excited to start learning to play the ukulele. They have learned a number of songs to practise different picking and strumming techniques and how to play the C major chord.

    Children in Year 4 are very fortunate to have Ian Draycott from Norfolk Music Hub in teaching them how to play the steel pans! This will continue throughout Autumn Term so they get a great experience of ensemble playing with a music Specialist.

    Year 5 have been sent back to the 80’s, rocking out to ‘Living on a Prayer’ and Year 6 have had the joy of ‘Happy’ – singing together in different parts and accompanying with melodies on the glockenspiels. So lovely to hear children singing in school again – it really hasn’t been the same without it.

  • Music Spring Term 2021


    COVID 19 has had a massive impact on Music – Imagine Primary School without singing! It has also meant a temporary halt to our Yr 4 WCIT of Steel Pan, Year 6 Samba and use of recorders in all classes.

    On a brighter and more positive note, we now have a beautiful set of yellow ukuleles and have introduced whole class ukulele lessons throughout the year for Year 3 children. Charanga (the online Music resource we use for some of our lessons) has been specially adapted to be COVID safe with more glockenspiel use and sign language versions of songs being taught!

    During lockdown we have made use of Oak Academy Music lessons when the majority of children have been learning at home. These are really good fun (Year 3 went ‘cup song’ crazy and have loved the body percussion sessions) and also incorporate lots of simple music theory continuing the skills taught in our usual curriculum.

    ‘Music from Around the World’ assemblies have been created to be shared in class giving children a chance to experience music from a range of cultures, eras and genres.

October 2019

Ukulele Club are off to a flying start this school year, welcoming back seasoned stalwarts and saying hello to a new crop of players. Our experienced musicians (some in their fourth year of playing!) have been helping the newbies get to grips with those tricky first three chords that open the doors to music making.

Next half term our attention will be turning to Christmas songs (apologies to parents, we know it seems far too early!) so children will be ready to entertain at any festive gathering!

Once again, Mr Hardy would like to say a massive thankyou to our wonderful ex pupil Chloe Partridge for her continued help and support.

Ukelele club perform at livewire – June 2018

Toftwood Ukulele Club were invited to perform at Dereham Memorial Hall on Wednesday 27th June as part of the ‘Live Wire’ concert.

The event, organised by Year 10 BTEC Music students at Neatherd High School, was the Ukulele Club’s first experience of playing on a real stage to a packed audience (quite a leap from playing in our own school assemblies) however everyone performed brilliantly and were cheered and applauded enthusiastically.

‘It was really fun,’ said Edward, ‘we were nervous at first, but we managed to pull it off and it sounded really good.’

Evie  added, ‘We got more confident as it went on. It was fantastic to play in a concert and all of the acts were so good. When we were actually on stage it sounded amazing!’

Not only was this a fantastic opportunity to gain experience of performing in a wonderful venue, it also gave our pupils a chance to see the incredible musical talents of the high school students and see what they can aspire to in the future.

Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents who supported the event and Mr Owen (Neatherd Head of Music) who helped make it all happen.

The children are still glowing with pride from their success and are looking forward to more chances to get on stage and shine.

Congratulations to all of the children who worked so hard and embraced the opportunity to perform in front of such a large audience, with such enthusiasm and such excitement. Thank you to Mr Hardy for all of his work in preparing the children for the concert and for encouraging and supporting them on the night. We are proud of all of you.

Ukelele club is offered free of charge to all children in the junior school currently and we are looking to possibly extend it to Year 2 at some point in the future.

Live Music Summer 2 2018

The junior school were treated to music through the ages on Tuesday 5thJune as the Live History of Music Show performed for us in the main hall. After a rendition of the Doctor Who theme song (so we could travel back in time!), the children listened to music by Vivaldi and Mozart and learned that the oldest recorded instrument was a flute/recorder-type instrument from the Ice Age. They were also treated to a segment of John Cage’s 4’33’’ – a song written to be totally silent – and movie soundtrack music from John Williams (Star Wars and Jaws). The performance ended with Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking Out Loud’ – which the Year 3s couldn’t help but join in with.

A Visit from the Dereham Brass Band members – March 2018