Summer 2024 – Maths Club

Children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have participated in a maths club this half term. Each week the children had different activities and resources to help them build on their maths skills. Some examples of the resources we explored are; counting objects, money, clocks, peg boards (to create patterns, board games and elastic band boards to create shapes and patterns. They really enjoyed having the opportunity to use a variety of resources and made requests of different things they would like to try in the following weeks.

At the end of each session we finished with a fun BBC Supermovers song. This helped them to think about different maths concepts while singing and dancing! These would be fun to complete at home too, they can be found at the following link:

By having a variety of resources and tasks available the children could choose to practise the skills they wanted to build on. Some of the reception children liked subitising with objects and recording the number as a numeral on the whiteboards. The year 2 children asked for a calculation challenge station. The year 1 and 2 children enjoyed role playing shops with the different coins and items for sale.