Year 3 RE Trip

On Thursday 13th July, Year 3 visited Norwich Cathedral and participated in their ‘Through the Window’ programme as part of our SAW (Science, Art and Writing) week. The children really enjoyed the beautiful windows, the glorious cloisters, and exploring the nave and presbytery. They learned lots about how Christians commit to God and the different roles that people have within the Cathedral. Throughout the day, the children engaged in a number of activities including dressing up as priests and bishops, learning how shepherds tend to their flocks, and colouring their very own stained glass windows!

It was noted by numerous members of staff at the Cathedral, as well as many visitors from the public, that Year 3’s behaviour was exemplary and a real credit to Toftwood. Miss Makins, Mrs Traferri and Mr Williams were all very proud of how sensible, mature and engaged the children were throughout the day, and what an excellent example they set to others. Mabel said, “I really enjoyed dressing up as a Bishop.” Oscar’s favourite part was colouring the stained glass window because “I love art and it was fun to do it whilst learning about the Cathedral.”

Well done, Year 3!