Year 1 Visit from Wycomb Mobile Petting Farm – Autumn 1 2024

On Monday 7th  October, the year 1 children were lucky enough to have a visit from Ian at Wycomb Mobile Petting Farm. Ian brought with him some familiar animals who came to school last year like Thumbelina the Shetland Pony, bandit the ferret as well as guinea pigs and rabbits. (Chocolate) Buttons the poodle also returned and this year enjoyed listening in on Mrs Morton’s register at the start of the day too.

In science, the children have been learning about grouping and classifying animals as well as identifying their body parts. The children are also going to use this visit to write some sentences about facts they have learnt and what their favourite animal was.

Connie said, ‘It was the best day ever! I loved all of the animals.’

Wyatt said, ‘I loved taking the pony for a walk!”

‘I want the farm to come every day,’ Ella said!

Year 1 SAW Week

First of all the children revisited their science learning about evergreen and deciduous trees. They went outside to explore the trees on the school grounds and made friends with a tree by giving it a big hug! They children created bark and leaf rubbings and used these to create a big year group tree later in the week. We discussed the tallest tree in the world and measured the same distance outside, it took us all the way from Year 1 to the Year 6 classrooms at Juniors! Following our observations of nature the children wrote their own tree poems and presented them in the shape of a leaf. We finished the week by adding these poems to our year group tree which finished our collaborative art project perfectly. 

Year One Holkham Hall 2024

On 7th June 2024, the children in Year One were lucky enough to visit Holkham Hall. We started the day with a long bus journey and were very impressed with how well the children were behaving. When we arrived, the children took part in three different activities.

They were given a tour of the hall and were amazed with all of the sculptures, carpets and ceilings. They identified different shapes in the ceiling decorations, looked at the opposites represented in the artwork and learnt about the room where Queen Victoria had slept while visiting.

Next the children learnt about the different jobs roles people had at Holkham Hall in the past including; butler, gamekeeper and laundry maid. They dressed up in different outfits to role play as each job. The children enjoyed using different props to immerse themselves in the role! Beau in TC1 said “my favourite part of the day was cleaning the silver in the butler’s white gloves!” Emily in CM1 said “I want to be a chef and then I can go to Paris” (Holkham Hall’s chef of the past was from Paris!)

The final activity involved finding out about toys from the olden days. They played with ‘pick up’ sticks, marbles, yoyos and tiddlywinks as well as many other toys. The children even got to make their own Victorian toy; a thaumatrope! They drew two pictures on two circles and then stuck them to either side of a straw so that when they spun the straw, the images would blend together to create one image. They loved learning about this optical illusion. The children then said goodbye to Holkham Hall and reflected on their favourite parts of the day during the bus ride home. “My favourite part of the day was playing with the different toys, I rode a hobby horse” (Ruby-Lily KD1).

Year 1 – Summer 1- Rockets and Planets Workshop

On Tuesday 23rd April, Dr Mandy Hartley from The Little Story Telling Company came to visit year 1 to deliver an exciting workshop about rockets and planets. She started by showing the children a size comparison of all the planets and stars in our galaxy. The children were amazed to learn it would take 1100 years to travel once round the biggest star in the galaxy!

Next, the children split into planet teams to complete a series of tasks. They made a playdough planet to the size of the picture given to them by Dr Hartley, found how many moons each planet had and identified the time it took to orbit the sun. Some teams even had time to learn how many hours were in the day on their planet. Did you know? Jupiter has 67 moons!

We learnt new facts about the planets including the heat of each planet, if they are gas planets and if we can see planets from Earth! Have a look and see if you can spot Jupiter this evening!

We played Top Trumps with the planet facts, which linked beautifully to our English lessons last week where the children created their own Top Trumps about the planets in our solar system.

The children shared some facts they knew about the different planets:

“Mars is red” Stephen

“It is 365 days or 1 year to go round the sun on Earth” Rafe

The children used reasoning skills to work out which planets would be the quickest or slowest to orbit the sun.

“The smallest planet has less weight so will be the quickest to orbit the sun” Auralia.

“Neptune will take the longest as it is the furthest away” Renelle.

We finished the workshop with some rocket experiments outside. We used water and alka-seltzer tablets in a film canister to create a mini rocket launch. Dr Hartley explained that the rockets were using the force of thrust to go through the air.

“I enjoyed when the rockets went flying up in the sky” Harrison.

Year 1 Planetarium – Spring 2 2024

On Thursday 29th February, as part of their new topic, ‘Our Planet and Beyond’, the children in year 1 were able to experience a mobile planetarium. A visual display of the night sky was brought to Toftwood Federation! The children crawled into the self-contained darkened classroom dome and were given a presentation about our solar system including facts about the sun, moon, and planets including our planet Earth. They then could lay back and experience stargazing, whilst also learning about the constellations in the sky. It certainly got the children excited for their up and coming topic and was a fantastic WOW moment for the children.

Jasper in CM1 said, ‘I wish I could do this at home and see the planets.’ Freddie in KD1 said, ‘My favourite part was when the lights went off and we could see the stars’. Lucy from Starlincs who did the presentation said, “Rafe you are a little space Einstein as you have shared so many facts with the class!”

A group of kids standing in front of a screen

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A large inflatable ball in a classroom

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A person holding a large ball

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Visit from Mr Bell the Meteorologist- Spring 1

Year 1 children were treated to a visit from Mr Bell from Weatherquest as part of the start of their Weather Experts topic this half term.

Mr Bell explained to the children that the scientific name for someone who forecasts the weather is a Meteorologist. He showed the children how he presents the local weather on BBC Look East and what the different images on the screen mean. He talked about how they show rain, the temperature and the wind speed.

Mr Bell then told the children about different types of extreme weather. He showed them some pictures from some of his storm chasing visits to the USA which the children were really interested about. They particularly loved seeing the videos of tornadoes and the size of some of the hailstones!

Mr Bell then talked to the children about the different instruments that are used to measure the weather. We learnt that a rain gauge measures the amount of rainfall, a thermometer measures the temperature and an anemometer measures the wind speed.

The children also had some interesting questions to ask Mr Bell;

Ava asked, ‘How many weather forecasts have you presented?’ and Rafe was intrigued to find the answer to his question “How do you know so much about the weather?”

The children really enjoyed the session and were engaged throughout (as well as the grown ups)!

Year 1 – Autumn 2

This half term, the children have read the book ‘Dear Dinosaur’ in our English lessons. The children received videos and emails from adults that work behind the scenes in school, explaining what their job entails. The book which focuses on giving and receiving letters, inspired the children to write letters to their chosen member of staff. The children thought of questions that they would like to ask as well as introducing themselves. Here at Toftwood, we have amazing staff members who were kind enough to then write back to the children and responded to their questions.

A page of a paper with text

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A white paper with black text

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A paper with writing on it

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A child's writing paper with drawings of tools

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Year 1 Visit from Wycomb Mobile Petting Farm – Autumn 1 2023

On Monday 9th October, the year 1 children were lucky enough to have a visit from Ian at Wycomb Mobile Petting Farm. Ian brought with him some familiar animals who came to school last year like Thumbelina the Shetland Pony, Marvin and Minnie the goats as well as sheep, guinea pigs and rabbits. There were also some new animals like Chocolate Buttons the poodle and a chicken!

This was all part of the children’s topic ‘Animal Life’ where the children have been learning about grouping and classifying animals as well as identifying their body parts. The children are also going to use this visit to write a recount in English too.

Jasper said, ‘It was the best day ever!’ Louie said, ‘My favourite animal was the black goat, Minnie!’

‘I wish the farm could come every day,’ Freddie said!

Year 1 Wellbeing Workshop – Autumn 2023

On the 19th Sepetmber, the year 1 children were lucky enough to have a visit from the Healthy, Happy, Active (HHA) lead, Ellise from the West Norwich and Dereham Schools Sports Partnership.

Ellise talked the children about the changes that they have had to go through recently from their transition from Reception to Year 1. They also talked about were reminded of the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ that we use within the federation.

1. Connect

2. Keep learning

3. Be active

4. Give

5. Take notice

The children also took part in some active games linked to the 5 ways to wellbeing.

The children in reception and year 2 will enjoy these workshops later in the year.